A few passing clouds. Low near 65F. Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph..
A few passing clouds. Low near 65F. Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph.
DAV service officer, 9 a.m., Suite 100, Kentucky Career Center, 233 Ring Road, E’town. To assist veterans in filing claims. Appointment required. POC: Mike Bava, 270-307-2953.
Adaptive Yoga, 9 a.m., Hardin County Public Library, 100 Jim Owen Drive, E’town. Come in comfortable clothing and bring a yoga mat. A brief screening will be done, patrons must be on time as waivers must be signed prior to class. POC: 270-769-6337.
Technology Tutorials, 9 a.m., Zoom or 100 Jim Owen Drive, E’town, or 11 a.m.-5 p.m. by appointment. Need assistance with email, ebooks, a tablet or word processing? Individualized assistance in-person or via Zoom. Advance registration required for each tutorial session at forms.gle/Hqt3xS87hX6DQ1LT6 for a specific appointment time. POC: 270-769-6337.
Preschool Storytime, 11 a.m., Hardin County Public Library, 100 Jim Owen Drive, E’town. Ages 4-5. Sing songs, listen to stories and do an activity or craft to help preschoolers get kindergarten ready. Bring an item for show-and-tell. POC: 270-769-6337.
Bridge Club, 12:15 p.m., Hardin County Public Library, 100 Jim Owen Drive, E’town. Proficient bridge players welcome. Depending on number of people present, some will not play all hands. POC: 270-769-6337.
Emergency Services Committee meeting, 3 p.m., Hardin County Government Building, 150 N. Provident Way, E’town. POC: 270-769-5479.
Morningside Elementary School site-based council meeting, 3:30 p.m., school library, 313 Morningside Drive, E’town. POC: 270-769-3359.
Bard’s Corner, 6 p.m., online. Gather with other writers to share, learn, and be encouraged. Find meeting info at thebardscorner.wixsite.com/tbcwg To register, email, rvsshine1@aol.com with the words “The Bard’s Corner” in the subject line. POC: 270-769-6337.
Hardin County Schools Board of Education meeting, 6 p.m. Hardin County Board of Education, 65 W.A. Jenkins Road, E’town. POC: 270-769-8800.
PAL, Parents of Addicted Loved Ones support group, 6-7 p.m., Radcliff United Methodist Church, 275 S. Woodland Drive. Radcliff. For families of adult children dealing with substance addiction. Provides hope through education and support. Must be 18 or older. POC: Amanda, bradandmandy89@gmail.com or palgroup.org.
Tavern in the Garden, 6 p.m., Cunningham Garden, Brown-Pusey House Cunningham Garden, 128 N. Main St., E’town. Music provided by local favorites and rising newcomers. Free admission, beer, wine and sodas available for purchase and a food truck onsite each week. POC: brownpuseyhouse.org or 270-765-2515.
The Charles W. Logsdon Historic Downtown Walking Tour, 7 p.m., meet at Dixie Avenue and Main Street, Public Square, E’town. Free, weather permitting. Wear comfortable shoes. POC: facebook.com/EtownCityEvents/.
Books & Brew, 10:30 a.m., Vibe Coffee, 34 Public Square, E’town. Looking for reading ideas? Talk about what you’ve read, connect and share a love of reading. Register at forms.gle/3XiRyGT8bhMichqc8. POC: 270-769-6337.
Yoga for Young Ones, 11:30 a.m.-noon, Hardin County Public Library, 100 Jim Owen Drive, E’town. Ages 4-6. Practice simple yoga moves and meditations with the goal of improving strength, flexibility and awareness of our bodies. POC: 270-769-6337.
Dance, 7-10 p.m., Meade County Senior Center, 1200 Old Ekron Road, Brandenburg. Featuring “The Classic Band” playing country and vintage rock and roll. $6 per person. POC: Jim Walters, 270-766-4437.
New Hope Family Life Center Hope on a Rack, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Saturday, 1582 Hill St., Radcliff. POC: 270-351-8594.
Tween DnD, 10 a.m.-noon, Hardin County Public Library, 100 Jim Owen Drive, E’town. Ages 9-12. POC: 270-760-6337.
Elizabethtown Lions Club annual chicken barbecue, 11 a.m.-6 p.m., Elizabethtown High School, 620 N. Mulberry St., E’town. Tickets $10. Eat in, carry out, or drive through. Half BBQ chicken and two sides. POC: Lance Turlington, 253-651-3438, or Chuck Roberts, 502-299-1663.
Elizabethtown Equality Festival, 11 a.m.-5 p.m., The Haycraft, 319 E. Dixie Ave., E’town. Celebrate community members who often feel excluded. Vendors and businesses who show continuous support of all members of the community. POC: thehaycraftetown.com.
Saturday Storytime, 11 a.m., story area, Hardin County Public Library, 100 Jim Owen Drive, E’town. Ages 2-5. Sings songs, listen to stories and do an activity or craft to help kids get kindergarten ready. POC: 270-769-6337.
Board games, 1-3 p.m., meeting room, Hardin County Public Library, 100 Jim Owen Drive, E’town. Ages 6 and older. Play board games together. Children interested in chess also welcome. POC: 270-769-6337.
Open Door Community Kitchen free meal, 4:30-6 p.m., Vine Grove United Methodist Church, 306 High St., Vine Grove. POC: Pastor Dan Paddack, 270-945-4997 or 270-877-5231.
Senior Citizen Center Live Music, 5:30 p.m., LaRue County Senior Citizen Center, 112 N. Walters Ave., Hodgenville. POC: Stacy Salazar, 270-361-1423 or Darlene Daugherty, 270-696-3246.
Zumba, 9 a.m., Hardin County Public Library, 100 Jim Owen Drive, E’town. Previous dance experience not required. Work every part of your body with leg lifts, squats, etc. Low impact options included. No groups. POC: 270-769-6337.
Monday Matinee, 1:30 p.m., Hardin County Public Library, 100 Jim Owen Drive, E’town. Movie time for adults, “The Second Best Marigold Hotel.” Popcorn and chips served. POC: 270-769-6337.
Anime Club, 4-5:45 p.m., story area, Hardin County Public Library, 100 Jim Owen Drive, E’town. Ages 13-18. Teen must have a signed parent permission form in order to participate. Stream, watch, and discuss anime. POC: 270-769-6337.
Elizabethtown City Council meeting, 4:30 p.m., city hall, 200 W. Dixie Ave., E’town. POC: 270-765-6121.
Nonprofit Roundtable Conference, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Central Kentucky Community Foundation’s Home of Philanthropy Community Hall, 200 Jim Owen Drive, E’town. Nonprofits will convene to hear speakers, connect with fellow organizations, share ideas and best practices and collaborate to be champions, helping communities they serve move forward. Tickets, $30 per person, lunch provided. Go to ckcf.fcsuite.com/erp/donate/list/event?event_date_id=1462 to purchase tickets.
Adaptive Yoga, 10 a.m., Hardin County Public Library, 100 Jim Owen Drive, E’town. Come in comfortable clothing and bring a yoga mat. A brief screening will be done, patrons must be on time as waivers must be signed prior to class. POC: 270-769-6337.
Ancestral Trails Historical Society research library, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday, Ancestral Trails Historical Society, 201 W. Dixie Ave., E’town. Scroll through microfilm for facts about local and regional ancestors. The library is inside the Hardin County History Museum. POC: Meranda Caswell, merandacasw@gmail.com, 270-982-0881 or aths.com.
Brown-Pusey House tours, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday, 128 N. Main St., E’town. For small groups of two to eight people for research and tours of the house. Safe distancing and governor’s guidelines will be followed. POC: 270-765-2515.
Nine Patchers Quilt Guild meeting, 10 a.m., meeting room of Glendale Christian Church, 119 E. Main St., Glendale. Lahoma Gray will discuss “Drafting Your Own Quilt Patterns.” No quilting experience necessary to attend. POC: 270-234-6645.
Crafternoon, 1:30-5:30 p.m., story area, Hardin County Public Library, 100 Jim Owen Drive, E’town. Ages 5-18. Recreate the craft shown or use the available materials and use your imagination to create something. POC: 270-769-6337.
Hardin Fiscal Court meeting, 3:30 p.m., Hardin County Government Building, 150 N. Provident Way, E’town. POC: 270-769-5479.
Reading With a Ranger, 3:30 p.m., Hardin County Public Library, 100 Jim Owen Drive, E’town. Theme is “19th Amendment and the history of voting in America.” POC: facebook.com/LincolnBirthplaceNPS.
Teen Tuesdays, 4-5:45 p.m., online. Ages 12-18. Join the Teen Discord server to chat and play online games like JackBox. POC: 270-769-6337.
Knights of Columbus bingo, 312 E. Main St., Vine Grove. Doors open at 5 p.m. Bingo at 7 p.m. Full-service kitchen. POC: John Pike, 270-307-1499.
Mid-Kentucky Kennel Club confirmation training class, 6:30 p.m., 421 E. Dixie Ave., Suite 100, E’town. Open to AKC registered dogs and owners of various experience levels interested in confirmation competition and training. Bring updated copy of dog’s shot record and waiver must be signed for new participants. Cost is $5 for guests, no cost to club members. POC: Gina Clear, 270-319-7375 or midkykennelclub.com/contactus.html.
Roaming Readers, 9 a.m., meet up at Freeman Lake for walking and chatting. Readers advisory information will be available and can be tailored to your interests. Register at forms.gle/QAXvwdJuUXFNNveG8 by the Monday prior to the meeting to receive an email with more information about meetup location. POC: 270-769-6337.
Bubbles and Babies, 10 a.m. and 5 p.m., Hardin County Public Library meeting room, 100 Jim Owen Drive, E’town. Ages 0-2. Babies and their caretakers sing songs, recite nursery rhymes, read a book together and work on fine motor skills by popping bubbles. POC: 270-769-6337.
Toddler Time, 11 a.m. and noon, Hardin County Public Library, 100 Jim Owen Drive, E’town. Sings songs, listen to stories and do an activity or craft to help toddlers get kindergarten ready. Bring an item for show-and-tell. POC: 270-769-6337.
Karate, noon, Hardin County Public Library, 100 Jim Owen Drive, E’town. Japanese Karate, a traditional-style consisting of etiquette, warmup, basic striking, blocking and kicking philosophy towards self-defense. Learn forms, defense combinations, escapes and control manipulation. Comfortable attire recommended. POC: 270-769-6337.
Tai Chi, 1 p.m., Hardin County Public Library, 100 Jim Owen Drive, E’town. Gentle warm up including the eight brocades, an 800 year old series on movements designed for maximum benefit. Improves balance and flexibility. May be done seated. POC: 270-769-6337.
Mid-Kentucky Kennel Club Scent Work class, 6 p.m., 421 E. Dixie Ave., Suite 100, E’town. Open to all dogs and owners of various experience levels interested in scent work competition and training. Bring updated copy of dog’s shot record and waiver must be signed for new participants. Cost is $5 for guests, no cost to club members. POC: Gina Clear, 270-319-7375 or midkykennelclub.com/contactus.html.
Adult, child and infant CPR certification with basic first aid, sponsored by American Heart Association certified instructors. $75 registration required before all classes. POC: 270-763-2915.
Al-Anon, in-person and Zoom. The Al-Anon Family Groups are a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength, and hope in order to solve their common problems. POC: kyal-anon.org.
American Legion Post No. 113 service officer, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesdays walk in, other days by appointment, 1251 Ring Road, E’town. POC: Bob Craig 270-370-2589 or robertcraig422@outlook.com.
American Red Cross is recruiting blood drive volunteer. Manage the registration process and oversee the hospitality area at blood drives in Hardin, LaRue and Hart counties. If you are available to work a five- to six-hour shift at least once a month, call or email. POC: kyvolunteerservices@redcross.org or Stacy at 502-612-9202.
Central Kentucky Community Action’s Retired & Senior Volunteer Program seeks volunteers. Must be 55 or older. POC: Melissa Bland, 270-737-1059 or RSVP.Director@ckcac.org.
Free food pantry ministry RestoreHouse, New Horizon Baptist Fellowship Church, 864 W. Rhudes Creek Road, Glendale. Program is designed to help people in need of groceries. POC: office@newhorizonky.org.
Free foster parents classes, offered by Necco, are available online. POC: scutchin@necco.org.
GED preparation classes, 9 a.m.-noon Monday-Thursday and 5-8 p.m. Tuesday/Thursday in E’town; 9 a.m.-noon Monday/Wednesday and 5-8 p.m. Monday in Radcliff; ESL classes, 12:30-2:30 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday in E’town; and GED/ESL classes, 1:30-3:30 p.m. Monday/Wednesday at Fort Knox. POC: 270-769-8866.
Hot meals, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Monday-Friday, Griffin Manor Senior Center, 1119 Johnstown Road, E’town. For those 60 and older. Paperwork must be completed 24 hours in advance. Monthly menus provided, $2 donation per meal is suggested, but not mandatory. POC: Ida Kyle, 270-982-2909.
Warm Blessing Community Kitchen, volunteers senior meal delivery drivers needed two to three hours a week at nights. POC: To volunteer, Paula Tymitz, 270-312-2254.
Wesley Hilltop seniors, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1001 Skyline Drive, E’town. Lunch is served at noon. Activities include music, bingo, chair exercise, devotionals along with arts and crafts on Thursdays. Guest speakers and field trips. POC: Robin, Mommer222@gmail.com or 270-734-2237.
Adaptive Yoga, 9 a.m. Aug. 25, Hardin County Public Library, 100 Jim Owen Drive, E’town. Come in comfortable clothing and bring a yoga mat. A brief screening will be done, patrons must be on time as waivers must be signed prior to class. POC: 270-769-6337.
Technology Tutorials, 9 a.m. Aug. 25, Zoom or 100 Jim Owen Drive, E’town, or 11 a.m.-5 p.m. by appointment. Need assistance with email, ebooks, a tablet or word processing? Individualized assistance in-person or via Zoom. Advance registration required for each tutorial session at forms.gle/Hqt3xS87hX6DQ1LT6 for a specific appointment time. POC: 270-769-6337.
Preschool Storytime, 11 a.m. Aug. 25, Hardin County Public Library, 100 Jim Owen Drive, E’town. Ages 4-5. Sing songs, listen to stories and do an activity or craft to help preschoolers get kindergarten ready. Bring an item for show-and-tell. POC: 270-769-6337.
Author Visit: Jim Serger, 3:30-5:30 p.m. Aug. 25, Hardin County Public Library, 100 Jim Owen Drive, E’town. Jim Serger, author of “9/11: a Time to Remember” will have a table set up in the lobby; stop by to chat and take a look at his book. POC: 279-769-6337.
Do I Really Need a Will?, 4 p.m. Aug. 25, Hardin County Public Library, 100 Jim Owen Drive, E’town. Dying without a will allows the State to decide who inherits. A will allows you to control how your estate is handled when you no longer have a voice. A will even can set up a trust for special needs or underage beneficiaries, if those situations apply at the time of your death. Registration required at forms.gle/X6X1SA4zRqPCbDJw7. POC: 270-769-6337.
RSBA Connect, 5 p.m. Aug. 25, 593 W. Lincoln Trail Blvd., Radcliff. Join local business owners and community leaders to network and share business and connections. POC: Matthew Smith, matthew.rsba@gmail.com.
Growing Fall Vegetables, 10 a.m. Aug. 26, Hardin County Public Library, 100 Jim Owen Drive, E’town. County Horticultural Agent Amy Aldenderfer will give tips and tricks for growing healthy, tasty, fall vegetables. POC: 270-769-6337.
Books & Brew, 10:30 a.m. Aug. 26, Zoom. Looking for reading ideas? Talk about what you’ve read, connect and share a love of reading. Register at forms.gle/3XiRyGT8bhMichqc8. POC: 270-769-6337.
Keep Calm & Craft On, 2:30 p.m. Aug. 26, Hardin County Public Library, 100 Jim Owen Drive, E’town. Project to be determined. Registration required at forms.gle/12Tcd97qJkYgGKWj6. Class size is limited; you will receive an email notification if you are on the waiting list. POC: 270-769-6337.
K-2 Storytime, 3:30 p.m. Aug. 26, story area, Hardin County Public Library, 100 Jim Owen Drive, E’town. Ages 5-8. Sing songs, listen to stories and do an activity or craft to help develop motor, thinking, language, social and emotional skills. POC: 270-769-6337.
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